Wednesday, March 24, 2010

You Know You are an Economist When...

  • You continually include "optimize", "budget (set)" and "limit tends to" in your vocab without even realizing it
  • You trying figuring out if you have smooth, convex preferences
  • You wonder if and how much to save, keeping in mind "The Paradox of Thrift"
  • You make Economics jokes (you reach heights when you can incorporate "neighbourhoods" and "open balls" in the jokes- if you don't understand this, don't bother, you are safe!)
  • People around you understand your jokes or give a puzzled frown
  • You assume and predict
  • You claim to understand most phenomena in the world with an "epsilon" error term
  • Epsilon is sufficiently small to suit your model but big enough to create a major disturbance
  • Data doesn't suit your fancy models
  • "In the Long Run we are all dead!" is knowledge to you!
  • demand, supply and extraction of consumer surplus is a way of making ppl understand the essence of bargaining.
  • Monopoly power is a term so common while discussing prices.
  • Time constraint n budget constraint are terms which seem easier to use than time limit n just budget!
  • You have found the above extremely "normal"
P.S. This list is not exhaustive, suggestions and additions are welcome.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

We have all been 21... we've all made mistakes when we were 21!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Back to You

Not may be with a vengeance, but I've decided to write more frequently. It was indeed disturbing to realize that it's been over about 2 years since I've written anything that satisfies me. But then, perhaps the best pieces flow from the "pen", the "keyboard" in this case, when you are upset, depressed, lonely- psycho-pathetically true!! And am at least happy to realize that I've been mostly happy since 2008 and writing for me became inversely proportional to my happiness.

Doesn't mean, am unhappy... trying to search myself and add some dimension to this morose blog in a peaceful state of mind- or so do I hope.

Soul Searching

You gave me light,
You gave me darkness,
You give me wings to fly high.

You give me power,
You give me illness,
You give a sail to steer through.

You give me joy,
You give me grief,
You give heartbreaks to tear me apart.

You give me strength,
You make me weak,
You give me love, never explained.